Q. Can I use your codes and try to make my own DIV?
A. Sure, go ahead. Let me know when your finished cause I wanna see!
Q. Can I edit the image of one of your DIVs and use it for my character?
A. Sure, go ahead. Let me know when your finished cause I wanna see!
Q. My comments, messages, add me and pic links aren't working on my DIV layout?
A. Read the instructions on the layout blog.
Q. Will you teach me how to make a DIV layout
A. No, but here are some links that will help you learn how to.
Q.Where do I find my friend ID?
A. View your profile. Look at the url. In there you will see friend id=SOME NUMBER. That number is your friend ID.
Q. Can I make a request?
A. I don't do requests anymore. Sorry.
Q. My layout isn't working right what's wrong
A. Did you erase all those old layout codes like I told you? Do that and try again.
Q. Where did you get your layout?
A. I make all my own stuff.
Q. How do I make a layout like yours?
A. You must know a lot about html and image editing.
Q. Will you teach me how to do all that stuff?
A. I posted some tutorials on pic edting. You can learn more about HTML and CSS HERE.
Q. What photo editing program do you use?
Q. Will you teach me how to edit photos with PAINT.NET?
A. I have posted some tutorials. But there are more PAINT.NET tutorials HERE.
Q. Hey SUPAGOKUMAN you wanna fight?? Or spar? I am king super duper Goku member of B.A.D. *powers up to Super Saiyan 100*
A. You don't want none of this. I'm 6'5" , 230 lbs and I can bench 260 lbs. I'll snap you like a twig. Oh wait a minute, you're a roleplayer. My bad. I DON'T ROLEPLAY. Sorry, just don't have the time for it!
Q.Where do you get those drop down boxes with interests and stuff in them?
A. I got them HERE.
Q. How do you make your video small?
A. Change the height and width numbers in the embed code you get from youtube.
Q. How do you get your video to autoplay?
A. You must add &autoplay=1 to the end of the URLS in the EMBED code. So they will look like this.
Q. Will you make me a whore code?
A. No. Use google, search for myspace whore codes. Do it yourself. It's easy!
Q. How do you get your whore code in a box?
Q. Will you make me a banner?
A. No. Use google, search for myspace banners. Do it yourself. It's easy!
Q. Do you have any cool pics you can send me?
A. No use google image search. That's what I do. Or you could join my club, Dragonball Originals.
Q. Can you make me a custom layout for my roleplay character?
A. Sorry, I don't do requests anymore.
Q. Will you edit a pic for me?
A. Sorry, I only do that for my real friends not people that only talk to me when they want something.
Q. Where can I find some cool DBZ pics?
Q. Where is a good place to watch DBZ episodes?
A. Ever heard of a little site called youtube? Try there. Or use google.
Q. How do I put pics and those moving images on my page?
A. Those moving images are called gifs. And you can do that by starting a photobucket account. The rest is explained once you start an account.
Q. How do I put stuff on my myspace blog.
A. On you blog home page click CUSTOMIZE BLOG. The rest is explained there.
Q. How do you make your pics move and flash and stuff.
A. See my tutorial on animating pics.
Q. Where do you get all those pics that say SUPAGOKUMAN on them?
A. DUH!!!!!!!!!! I make them.
Q. Seriously, what site do you use to make your stuff?
A. Are you freakin retarded or something. I DON'T NEED NO STINKIN WEBSITE !