Here is a quick and easy method for changing colors in bright well colored pics. It will require the conditional hue/saturation plug-in. Get it HERE. Learn how to install plug-ins HERE.
1. Open the image
2. Go up to adjustments then go down to conditional hue/saturation.
3. Adjust the lines in the color wheel so that only the color you want to change is effected.
4. Adjust the hue action slider to change the color.
5. Adjust the saturation slider if you want to dim or get rid of the color.
6. Click OK when you are finished.
7. You may want to play with all the settings here.
(This can be a really quick way to do some easy edits. Also, when you are done with a pic edit, always make sure the you flatten all you layers. And be sure to save your file as a .png or .jpg file type or sites like photobucket and myspace may not let you upload your pic)